Prized Pearls

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For your sins, Himself pure, Jesus was crucified,
Suff'ring on the cross your penalty when He died.
Click on all the pearls at the cross shown as a guide
And see His own words that yet call you by His side.
To you His ear inclines, if you will play your part,
Earnestly pray these lines with a repentant heart:
Lord Jesus, I'm confessing that I am a sinner,
And I'm now professing you to be My Saviour.
Please forgive me for my sins, save me, be My Lord,
Enter my heart, be nigh, as promised in Your Word.
Save me and wash my soul by your blood shed for me;
Make me clean, good and whole; I'm yours eternally.

Precious Pearl: "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." John 3:17

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